Host HighLight
Tiana Poitier
About: |
Tiana was born and raised in a quiet little city called Miami, FL. She received her Bachelors degree in Broadcast Journalism from none other than Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University. Journalism was a job, but teaching is her passion.
How do you contribute to Society? |
Our youth hold the power, they are the future and we must invest in them. In a society where they are slowly trying to take the arts out of our schools, Tiana finds happiness in helping our youth musically. She volunteers at two local high schools (one being her alma mater) with their band programs. It's a beautiful thing to see "at-risk" youth picking up instruments and having fun by expressing themselves through music. It's truly an honor to work with and mentor our future.
Why do you
support the Big Apple Affair? |
Besides the fact that Jarveal is one of the greatest people she knows, she values our black boys who will one day become our black men. Anything that involves helping others AND having fun? She's all for it! It takes a village, and if she can be in that number; count her in.
Interesting fact:
She is a self proclaimed karaoke star (her friends HATE her singing voice lol) , but hey, if you only sing for the applause, then you place your happiness in the hands of the audience.