Host HighLight
Paris Proctor
About: |
To give love, to receive love, and radiate love makes a difference in a day and especially over a lifetime. Paris Proctor is a teacher of God's love in that we have the ability to develop our natural gifts and choose a path that allows us to discover our true calling. She is certainly on a journey that continues to unfold daily through the creation and development of A Touch of Heart, Inc. A non-profit that has evolved into ministries of empowering our spirit to choose life, and that life lived more abundantly, while digging deeper to heal the roots of our heart that are often overlooked.
How do you
contribute to Society? |
She contributes by sowing seeds into the hearts of others financial needs, into the dreams of those seeking to create a service for change, and by extending a helping hand daily if it's as simple as a means of transportation or as significant as prayer and sharing encouraging words of God's love and grace for us all.
Why do you
support the Big Apple Affair? |
Sew into the dreams of others that have the intention to bring us together for a greater purpose than ourselves. She supports the Big Apple Affair for her love of Jarveal and his intention to challenge us to come together not only in good company, but to simply learn about an area and community that he, along with others, are striving to make better.
Interesting fact:
She declined all job opportunities upon graduating college to start a nonprofit at age 22.